Bertrand de Solere Blog

Brazil’s HDI indicators on the rise

Brazil’s Human Development Index (HDI) increased  from 2016 to 2017. It rose from 0.776 to 0.778, according to a study published by the Fundação João Pinheiro (FJP), the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA – Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

This index goes from 0 to 1, meaning the closer you get to 1, the more important human development is. Brazil is a country with a “high” HDI, but it is still far from the “very high” range, above 0.800.

According to G1, among the three factors that were analyzed, life expectancy and education have improved. The first went from 0.845 to 0.850 and the second from 0.739 to 0.742. But the improvement in Brazil’s HDI was held back by income, which fell from 2016 to 2017, from 0.748 to 0.747.

According to the report, in 2010, all Brazilian social groups had an HDI between 0.500 and 0.799. That is, an HDI between “low” and “high”, but still far from the top indicators. In 2017, white people’s HDI moved into the “very high” range, above 0.800. According to G1, this is a positive result, but it reveals the inequality of the indicator. The HDI of blacks is 10% lower than the HDI of the white population.

HDI in Brazil shows the racial inequality present in the country

Despite everything, the racial inequality tends to be reduced. Between 2016 and 2017, the HDI of the white population decreased from 0.819 to 0.817. Meanwhile, the black population’s HDI rose from 0.728 to 0.742.

The difference between men and women has also decreased. Men’s HDI increased from 0.772 to 0.773 between 2016 and 2017, while that of women rose from 0.769 to 0.772.

In terms of longevity, the HDI for men is 0.791 and that for women is 0.909. Women live an average of seven years longer than men. And when it comes to education, the HDI of men is 0.717 and that of women is 0.767.

The development index of women would be much higher if the labor income indicator were equivalent to men. The study shows that, from 2012 to 2017, the average salary inequality between men and women fell from 423.80 to 377.62 reais, meaning a path towards erasing these differences.

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