Bertrand de Solere Blog

The authorization of residence in Brazil is granted to foreign pensioners

The Normative Resolution nº40/19 of the National Immigration Council grants retired foreigners able to justify a monthly transfer to Brazil of at least 2,000.00 USD (two thousand North American dollars) the possibility of residing in Brazil. Migration Law no. 13.445/17 replaced the Foreigner Status which had been in force since 1980.

This new standard makes the framework for obtaining residence permits (visas) more flexible for foreigners and provides, among other things, that retired foreigners or recipients of a death pension can benefit from an authorization to reside in Brazil. This authorization, regulated by the Normative Resolution nº40/19 of the National Immigration Council, is granted to foreigners able to transfer to Brazil the sum of at least 2,000.00USD (two thousand North American dollars) per month.

The foreigner interested in this authorization of residence, must present to the Brazilian Consulate closest to his residence:

  • Proof of retirement; or
  • Proof of death benefit.

Other sources of income may also be presented to complete the minimum amount, if necessary. In this context, a renewable 2-year authorization may be granted by the Brazilian consular authorities.

In addition to the documents mentioned above, a specific international immunization certificate may be requested depending on the country of origin of the foreigner. The retiree or holder of a death pension must also provide proof of health insurance valid in Brazil.

Foreigners residing in Brazil will be, in addition to the exceptions provided for in the tax treaty signed between France and Brazil against double taxation, taxable in Brazil according to the principle of universality (world-wide-income).

In a very simplified way, the tax regime for Brazilian residents is as follows:

1,903.99 to 2,826.65 7.5%
2,826.66 to 3,751.05 15%
3,751.06 to 4,664.68 22.5%
Above 4,664.68 25%

Finally, a foreigner who is located in Brazilian territory (tourism, business or benefiting from a residence permit on another basis) can take the steps to obtain the residence permit on the basis of a retirement or death pension. locally, directly with the Ministry of Justice.


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